Exclusive Interview with Dr. Sharon Nazarian
Dr. Sharon Nazarian recalls her first visit to the University of Haifa very clearly. “I came to the University as part of a family trip to Haifa and I fell in love with the campus. I knew then that I wanted to return as a student. I was fascinated by the social dynamic on campus and the diverse makeup of the student body. As an international student living in the dormitories, I was very immersed in campus life. It was a very important experience for me and left a strong impression.”
“As a gutsy American student majoring in journalism and political science, I sought out connections with fellow Arab students on campus. I saw how invested they were in the University, despite political tensions outside the campus. The University made great efforts to ensure a pluralistic and tolerant environment. I realized that a win-win situation was possible, and the University could offer a successful model of coexistence throughout Israel.”
The University’s Compelling Narrative
Today, Dr. Nazarian serves as adjunct professor at UCLA’s Department of Political Science and is the Board Vice Chair of the American Society of the University of Haifa. “I believe that education is the most important catalyst for societal change and the vehicle to narrow Israel’s social and economic gaps.”
She is confident that the University of Haifa’s narrative can be a very compelling and powerful one for donors in the United States. “American Jewish millennials are interested in healing the world and in pursuing social justice. The University of Haifa engages Israel’s minorities through its commitment to academic excellence and social and leadership programs that promote coexistence.”
Planting Seeds
Dr. Nazarian has worked tirelessly to bring this message to a wider audience. “Our biggest challenge on the West Coast is raising the University’s profile. There is a real hunger for American Jews to connect to Israel and have an impact – but not though traditional channels. The University of Haifa is strongly positioned to engage the younger generation. We have to tell our story so that more people will hear. We need to bring them to the campus and let them see for themselves what coexistence looks like.”
The “Piazza” of the University
The Younes and Soraya Nazarian Library is a shining example of the University’s commitment to academic excellence for a pluralistic society. Generously supported by the Younes and Soraya Nazarian Family Foundation, this university treasure is the largest academic library in Israel.
“We invested in the library because it impacts every student in the university. It is the place where students come together to read, study and exchange ideas. It is the crown jewel of our Foundation and we are most proud of it,” noted Dr. Nazarian. “My parents are my role models,” explains Dr. Nazarian. “They taught us to dream big, to keep looking forward and to give back to the community.”

As President of the Y & S Nazarian Family Foundation, she devotes her time, talents and energies to a range of educational and artistic initiatives and has been honored by numerous Jewish and humanitarian organizations for her community leadership. Dr. Nazarian is proudly continuing her family’s legacy to further the Foundation’s mission: “May your seeds be plentiful and your hands open, ready to give.”
Dr. Nazarian is the President of the Y&S Nazarian Family Foundation and an adjunct professor at the University of California Los Angeles in the Department of Political Science. She is also the founder of the Younes & Soraya Nazarian Center for Israel Studies at UCLA and serves as Chair of its Advisory Board.
Sharon Nazarian at the Younes and Soraya Nazarian Library