Multiversity of Haifa @ 2022
“Welcome to the University of Haifa’s 45th Board of Governors Meeting. This is an especially exciting year for our Board, as we discuss our bold multi-campus expansion plans and chart the future course of the University. I especially look forward to joining you in paying tribute to our distinguished honorary doctorate recipients and sharing our research successes.”
the University of Haifa
As 2022 draws near, marking the University of Haifa’s 50th year, an ambitious five-year plan will set in motion accelerated institutional growth, enhanced educational experiences for our diverse student population, increased opportunities for social mobility, and further growth for the region. By undertaking this bold new strategy, we will transform the University into a magnet for the best and brightest and a breeding ground for knowledge and innovation.
The University of Haifa’s ‘Multiversity’ will encompass academic entry points or portals across Haifa, the Galilee region and as far as China, that offer world-class education in the humanities and social sciences, health and biomedical sciences, marine and natural sciences, biotechnology and healthcare, law, management and education, as well as emerging interdisciplinary fields such as artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, and behavioral economics. President Robin
We envision an institution of higher learning with academic portals, each offering academic opportunities in their areas of expertise,
and geared towards transdisciplinary collaboration and networking.
The Mount Carmel Portal will continue to serve as the main portal and administrative center. The Carmel campus is
home to 7 faculties, 8 schools and some 70 innovative research centers. Our diverse research institutes range from the National
Security Studies Center, The Helmsley Charitable Trust Mediterranean Sea Research Center, and the Research Center for Cyber,
Law and Policy to Learning In a Networked Society (LINKS) I-CORE, the Center for Gene Manipulation in the Brain, the Strochlitz
Institute for Holocaust Research, and The Edmond J. Safra Brain Research Center for the Study of Learning Disabilities.
The Mount Carmel campus was originally built for 7,000 students and now serves 18,000. Built on a nature reserve, this campus has reached its maximum capacity.
Marine Sciences Portal is poised for a dramatic expansion of its research efforts, thanks to the generous grant
from the Leona and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust provided to the Leon H. Charney School of Marine
Sciences towards cutting-edge equipment and lab space for its departments of Marine Biology, Strauss Marine
Geosciences, Hatter Marine Technologies, and Marine Civilizations.
The University of Haifa is leading the advancement of marine research and is home to the only marine graduate studies program in Israel.
The Biotechnology & Healthcare Portal promises to have a transformative impact on life sciences research
in Haifa, which is establishing itself as a biomedical hub. In April, the University signed a landmark agreement
with the renowned Rambam Health Care Campus to build a 20-floor Biomedical Discovery Tower adjacent to the
hospital. This partnership in academic research and practical medicine is supported by the Israeli government and
will serve as an engine for economic and scientific growth for the north and for all of Israel in the fields of bio-
technology and healthcare. The construction of the Tower is based on a joint capital campaign launched by the
University and Rambam. (more details here)
The Biomedical Discovery Tower promises to become a magnet for innovation and technology transfer.
Engineering Portal will expand the University’s academic offerings into the important field of engineering,
and extend its role in educating Israel’s growing high tech sector. Under an academic agreement, the highly
reputed engineering school, ORT Braude College in Karmiel, will become the University of Haifa’s
Faculty of Engineering. Braude’s location in the Western Galilee will afford us a unique opportunity to
introduce university-level education to students in the region. The driving forces behind this initiative
are the Ministry of Education and the Council for Higher Education (VATAT).
An academic merger with ORT Braude College will bring university-level education to the Galilee and expand the University’s science offerings.
Industrial Design Portal will transform the NB School of Design (WIZO) in downtown Haifa into the
University of Haifa’s Faculty of Design and Architecture. The University’s respected School of the Arts
will compliment the new faculty and support interdisciplinary interaction. The Israeli government has
committed to supplying bridge funds for this merger.
WIZO’s expertise in diverse design disciplines will usher in a new era of education and innovation at the University of Haifa.
The China Portal spans from Haifa to Shanghai, Beijing and Hangzhou. The University of Haifa partnered
with East China Normal University (ECNU) in the fields of Statistics and Big Data, Neuroscience and
Oceanographic Studies, to establish a joint research center in Shanghai.
The new ECNU-UH Joint Translational Science & Technology Research Institute building at the ECNU campus in Shanghai.
Another landmark partnership opening up in China will establish three joint Artificial Intelligence
Technology Centers portals in Haifa, Beijing, and Hangzhou. The agreement was signed with
Chinese conglomerate, Wahaha Group and the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of
Sciences (CASIA). (more details here)

Our ambitious plans to expand the University in size, scope of reach and areas of research, promise to have a transformative
impact on the city of Haifa, and the entire northern region. The Multiversity of Haifa strategy, aimed at driving innovation and growth,
attracting top talent and opening up educational opportunities for all, is encouraged and supported by the Israeli government. I look
forward to advancing the next chapter of the University.
Ron Robin