Inaugurating a New Building for the Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences
A new building for the Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences is being inaugurated at the 47th Board of Governor’s Meeting. The Faculty’s new home, located at the Mt. Carmel campus, will be outfitted with state-of-the-art research and teaching facilities. The construction was made possible by generous gifts provided by the University’s longstanding supporters Mr. Maurice Kanbar and Mrs. Irma and Mr. Aaron Spencer, who serves as Chairman of the Advisory Board of The Cheryl Spencer Institute for Nursing. The Faculty, which is one of the University’s fastest growing entities, comprises three Schools, eight Departments, and the Interdisciplinary Clinical Center.
Cornerstone-Laying Ceremony of the Wild Cereal Gene Bank Complex
The University of Haifa is celebrating the dedication of the new Wild Cereal Gene Bank Complex, supporting innovative wild cereal research in the Institute of Evolution and the Department of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology. The complex is being generously supported by Lady Barbara and Sir Mick Davis, longstanding friends of the University, Prof. Alfred Tauber, Chairman of the Board of Governors, and the Israel Science Foundation (ISF). The new complex will be equipped with state-of-the art-facilities, including a greenhouse, cold storage rooms and a research laboratory.
Rendering of the Wild Cereal Gene Bank Complex.
Launching of The Leon Charney Forum on New Diplomacy
The Charney Forum on New Diplomacy recently held its international launch event in New York City, hosted by Mrs. Tzili Charney, Founder and President, Chair of the Leon H. Charney Foundation, Vice Chair of the University’s Board of Governors and honorary doctorate recipient (2018). The event marked the opening reception for the “The Rise of New Diplomacy” Forum, an assembly of entrepreneurs, professors, and international relations experts. The newly established Charney Forum on New Diplomacy at the University of Haifa is chaired by Ido Aharoni, a 25-year veteran of Israel’s Foreign Service and a public diplomacy specialist. The Forum was established to provide training and practical tools in the emerging practice of New Diplomacy.
Ido Aharoni and Mrs. Tzili Charney at the Charney Forum on New Diplomacy
international launch event in New York, April 11, 2019.
New Asia Pacific Desk
As part of its development efforts to expand the University’s presence in East Asia and Australia, the Division of External Relations and Resource Development recently opened a new Asia Pacific Desk. Headed by Ms. Tsameret Zohar, former Managing Director of the International School, the Asia Pacific Desk is establishing a local presence in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and will expand its activities to other countries including Singapore and Australia.