Dorin (Theodora) Asis
MSc, Department of Human Biology
Dorin is combining medical research with Student Advocacy, currently serving as
member of the University Senate, Board of Governors, and Executive Committee.
She also co-heads the Committee for Laboratory Science Scholarships.
More on her unique story here

Ravit Avram
MEd, Department of Special Education
With more than twenty years of experience working in schools with ASD learners,
Ravit continues to make a lasting impact in the field – this time through research,
which is improving our understanding of the unique strengths of ASD learners.
More on her research here

Meitar Ben-Abu
LLB, Faculty of Law
“Finding a creative solution in this case was tough, but I discovered I loved
the challenge.” Only in her third year of law school and already taking the
lead on the mediation team of a real legal case.
Her story here

Haneen Ganam
MA, Department of English Language & Literature
Although her third language, Haneen graduated from the Department of
English Literature and Communications with honors and is pursuing an
MA in English Language and Literature. She is also President of the
Haifa Model UN Society Program at Uof H.
More on her story here

Chen Rosenbaum
MBA, School of Management
“I hope to make a significant impact within my organization and the
rapidly-evolving world of business.” At 25, this Safed native is the
youngest MBA student at UofH.
Read more here

Kristina Tarsis
MSc, Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences
“At Haifa I am doing what I love best, studying molecular biology in an
exciting lab setting.” Kristina, a new immigrant, is part of a research team
working on a groundbreaking discovery that could lead to innovative
cancer treatments.
Her research and Aliyah story here
Tammar Truzmont
Phd, Department of Communication Science and Disorders
Tammar Truzmont takes nothing for granted. As a young adult, she chose to
leave the religious community and received little support from her family.
She was determined to get her degree in speech therapy, but faced financial
hardships and huge gaps in her secular education.
“The University of Haifa helped me land on my feet and pursue a
career that I love.”
More on her inspirational story here